3rd August 2018
benefits of philanthropic

Why stay-at-home parents need life insurance cover

Nobody wants to think about what would happen if their partner or spouse died. Unfortunately, it is a possibility and the financial implications can be huge. Without proper insurance, the surviving spouse can struggle to meet mortgage repayments or pay […]
6th July 2018
annual allowance - don't get caught out

Don’t get caught out by the annual allowance

When pension contributions are made automatically by employers, not everybody keeps track of what they are contributing. However, if you go over your annual allowance, you will be liable for tax on the additional pension contributions. If you’re a high […]
4th July 2018

Cash in pension

Should you cash in pension pots early and take a lump sum or reinvest for retirement? When it comes to pensions, there are so many considerations and every financial situation is unique. You will have different priorities, different responsibilities and […]
4th July 2018

Pension drawdown providers

Pension drawdown providers allow you to turn your pension fund into an income when you reach the age of 55 and Rockwood can help you choose the right one. Pension drawdown is becoming increasingly popular because of the benefits it […]