Mr & Mrs Owner Managed Business
Mr & Mrs Owner Managed Business
Do you manage your own business? Are you worried you don’t have appropriate protection in place? Do you need advice on pensions for you or your employees? Do you want more information on the different options for your business? Are you struggling to separate your personal and business finances? Rockwood are experts in financial planning and we help many business owners get control of their money and plan for the future of their business.
Does any of this sound familiar?

Rockwood Case Study
Mr & Mrs Owner Managed Business, 40 and 43
The Scenario
I contacted Rockwood because I needed help with life insurance for myself. After speaking to an adviser I realised that they could help with many other areas, some of which I had not considered. They recommended relevant life insurance for both me and my business partner and helped me with my pension.
The Solution
For my initial life insurance my Rockwood adviser assessed the amount of cover I’d need to cover my mortgage and protect me financially if I become too ill to work. They also helped find a policy for myself and my business partner so that if anything happens to one of us the business would still be able to continue. Through Rockwood I was also able to consolidate my pensions from previous employment into one place.
The Result
I was so pleased with the help and advice I received from Rockwood. Everything was taken into account and my situation thoroughly assessed so that they could give the best possible advice. We now have everything we need in place and I’ll be continuing to use Rockwood going forward.